WAHOOOOO! It is official! After scurrying around Kent for more than hour to snag my Thesis Committee Members’ signatures, I am done! Printed and pretty, my thesis is complete! All 60 pages is now in the hands of my college: College of Education, Health, and Human Services. A brief update >> my thesis title was: Peace and War As Drawn by Children of Northern Ireland. I analyzed Northern Irish children’s drawings of peace and war,their descriptions of their drawings, and the complexity of each drawing. It was absolutely amazing and indeed, a growing experience. As of now, my director and I are working on getting my thesis published via Kent State University and in Northern Ireland, where data were collected. Wish me luck! HIGH fives to a great semester and thank you to everyone for your endless support and love! Graduation is just around the corner >> 19 December 2009! More to come soon!