As most of you know, I’m not a big meat eater, and up until last night, I had very little experience preparing and cooking meat. Even though I’ve heard awesome things about meatloaf (including that it’s one of E’s favorite dishes), I’ve always been a bit skeptical over it. It just seems strange. It’s never been a go-to meal for me and maybe that’s why I find it so weird.
On a good note, I think last night helped ease my feelings about this traditional dish. With Ethan’s help, we managed to whip up a flavorful Elkloaf. There are a few things I would do differently next time, but overall, it was pretty darn tasty. No funny tummy feelings for me, either. I’d say, it’s a win-win.
I admire your adventurous spirit!!! Think of meatloaf as a container
for anything that blends well with meat and you can’t go wrong!