I strive to be a minimalist in every area except the kitchen. I find cooking and baking therapeutic. I love grocery shopping and sampling new foods (except for the dairy products that make my tummy hurt), and I have a slight obsession with cool kitchen gadgets and gizmos – yet somehow we’ve managed to keep our kitchen simple – without too many trinkets and funny-shaped appliances.
On the meal front lately, I’ve attempted to make notes of our non-recipe favorites while continuing to explore other meal options without bending on our food budget. One meal that makes the list: a tasty breakfast mix of muesli, raisins, nuts, and almond milk. This meal was a pleasant surprise and makes oatmeal seem plain. Mix ingredients together and simmer on the stove for about 10 minutes – add a banana or brown sugar afterward and boom – instant satisfaction (sorry, no photo to add).
I also experimented with a nut loaf recipe and like the breakfast dish, it too, turned out delicious. A mixture of lentils, onions, celery, cheese, almonds and egg made for a hearty dinner at the Davis household.
Do you have any favorite meals as of late? Or new recipes you’d like to share?