Yep, get ready. We finally made it to the point where we (I) have a few minutes to put some photos together from the first month of Arco’s young life. For some of you that don’t know, Arco is a town not far from here. A simple old rustic Idaho town that Robyn and I enjoy. Plus the general area is near the top of the list for recreation and beauty. To get an idea see below:

Milky Way over the Fins and the Arco Desert. Photo (and those to follow by Uncle Nate
Yeah I know I cheated and used a professional photographer’s photos but you get the point. It’s beautiful and rugged and I fully expect Arco to be at least twice as beautiful and rugged. Coincidently it also has some links to the word “arch” plus sounds badass and unique too, so there ya have it. Welcome Arco Allen Davis to the world.
So far he’s achieved farts that sound like they came from a grown man (no joke), his facial expressions are pretty amazing, and he’s just about to have the strength to roll over. He sleeps well from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. and again from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. but not after that. He loves boobs, especially milk filled ones, and (unlike most babies) dislikes being swaddled. Ok, I won’t bore you to much with text here since you’re all here for the photos anyway – enjoy!
Oldpa, Connor and Delaney think Arco is cute and wonderful !
…and Nana…
and great ..gram and pa! 😍