Happy birthday, Little Man! Two years old, two years old! I can’t believe you’re two years old! You have grown into this mighty young boy, a charismatic toddler. You’re eager to learn, share your thoughts and feelings, tell us stories, talk and talk and talk. You are our bright and shining lad, Arco boy, and we treasure you to the bone! 

You are the goofiest!

Unfortunately, we spent most of your birthday in the Salt Lake City Airport. Cold, snowy weather kept us from flying home on time, but when we finally arrived, it was true magic. That fluffy white stuff greeted us as we landed – a light dusting across town, a sparkle to the mountains; such a warm welcome home. It was the first snow of the season and you were tickled.

Due to our late arrival home, we decided to celebrate you on Sunday. Papa and I wanted to give you the best birthday yet, which meant ample time outside, stroller rides and nature walks to the river; park and tinker time, too.

Flying with Papa at the park.

You love to climb and climb and climb!

Blocks, puff balls and fish – your favorite combination.

Birthday morning started off with fresh coffee for us and an assortment of foods for you: pancakes, yogurt and applesauce, breakfast burritos and berries.

The day sailed on. We giggled and played, giggled and played. Currently, you love to read, stack blocks and make tunnels, throw balls and jump off of the couch onto the cushions. You love to play, camp and climb on almost anything, roam and explore outside, build pretend fire rings and roast ‘doggies’ over it, and have crafty time. Mostly though, ‘hanging’ with your Mama and Papa is your jam, and buddy, it’s our jam too! We can’t imagine our lives without you.

You’re always wanting to help. You love to fill the bird feeders and can spend an hour running your hands through the seeds.

You love crafty time, too, and aren’t afraid to try something new.

You light up when we tell you we’re headed camping. You love to camp and you’re the first to start packing for our outdoor adventures.

You are happiest in the great outdoors.

During your afternoon nap, we made your cake. Dreamy and creamy cashew cake with a raspberry top and walnut-pecan-date crumble crust.

A handsome cake for a handsome boy!

For the filling, we soaked the cashews overnight in water. We drained the cashews and blended them with melted honey and coconut oil. We then divided the filling in half. We poured half of the cashew filling into the cake pan, walnut-pecan-date crumble crust already in place. We loaded the processor with fresh raspberries and the remaining filling, and blended again. We poured the raspberry filling on top and tucked the cake into the freezer to set.

Creamy and dreamy cashew and raspberry cake!

That afternoon, we slowly opened gifts. We let you choose which to open and play with, giving you time to examine, read and interact with each new goodie. When it was time for cake, we secretly pulled that special treat from the freezer and lit the candle. I dimmed the lights and we celebrated you – the bold, funny, handsome, thoughtful and sweet lad that you are.

Almost there.


We just can’t get enough of you. Happy birthday, Arco boy!

10 thoughts on “Arco’s Second Birthday

  1. My sweet grandboy, your Oldpa loves with all his heart, forever and ever!!!!! Cant wait to teach you how to build a sling shot and to spit “loogies” like a pro.😱

  2. The photos capture that unfettered joy of discovery when you’ve just turned two and all the world is new!! Somehow I know he will carry that with him until he is 102~ Love love love you sweet grand-lad!!!

  3. Happy Birthday to little mister adorable. Sending my love to you all.

  4. Glad you had such a wonderful day. He is soooo adorable! My love to all of you.

  5. Oh my goodness such a sweet story.. thanks for sharing! Love the photos- along with your descriptions, his spirit just of the screen! Hope he received our two big hugs! And hope to see you all soon!

  6. It has been a hot minute since I looked into what you guys are up to. A huge congratulations on building a super great life. You have made a very handsome young man! Happy birthday! Congratulations and best of luck to all 3 of you!

  7. The Novak’s love Arco! We want to meet this little bone-crusher!

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