Six months old and this boy is a lump of love. He is the happiest baby I know. He smiles at us all of the time – through tears and teething, through belly pains, tiredness and hunger. He is a charmer, our sweet, lucky charm babe.

Ramey loves to be held, snuggled, tickled, talked to and sung to. He is eager to sit up (he’s really close) and he will be ready for soft foods any day. He has tried avocado and blended sweet potato. Though he didn’t seem to enjoy either, he smiled the entire time.

Similar to Arco, Rame is constantly observing and exploring his surroundings, visually, tangibly and audibly. He loves to touch and feel everything – frozen spoons, organic matter (dirt, leaves, grass, sticks, etc.), paper, blankets, food, water – you name it! He loves music and dancing, pretend playing, story time and whispering! He’s happiest when we’re all at home, when it’s chaotic and cheerful, loud and spirited, though he loves the quiet moments too. He has a very calm demeanor. He’s an old soul; always jovial. Chossy senses these characteristics too and has taken to this boy like he is her own.

Arco also adores this baby lad. Rame can’t get enough of big brother, Arco, either. They are already the best of friends. To see them interact, play, snuggle, and talk to each other is incredibly heart-warming.

In short, we’re smitten. This boy is our happy lump, our Rame-Dawg, our Little Dude, our soulfully sweet Ramey. We adore and love you to bits, baby boy!

Thanks for sharing your cute little guys. So very sweet 🥰.
Oh my goodness! These two warm our hearts too! Just can not wait to meet your little love ‘lump’ and see these two playing together.. the sooner the better! !💖💖 Thanks for sharing!
Happy 6 months to Ramey Dude!!🥳
Such a wonderful addition to the family! He is adorable! The best bit of 2020 is right there in your arms.