Happy birthday, Ramey Dude! You’re one-year-old and you’re a dream come true. You’re our rainbow baby, our pot of gold, our lucky charm. You smile unconditionally, wiggle uncontrollably, you laugh often and your love is bright. You’re our goofy one-year-old and we’re the luckiest parents to call you our boy!

You’re growing into this handsome and curious young lad. You’re constantly exploring your surroundings – picking up item after item, carefully examining said item, then tasting it. You’re bold and daring with your movements, and quick. You LOVE to dance and you LOVE music. From a simple hum, or nursery rhyme, to a fancy piano piece, music is your jam. Warm baths, mealtime and big brother, Arco, are too!

For your birthday, we wanted to celebrate you – the gentle, happy and loving babe that you are. The day began with your favorite foods: berries, yogurt, peanut butter and banana. Amidst breakfast and snacking, snacking and lunch, we played and played. You are flexible, adaptable and interested in everything. Anything Arco does or plays with, you want to play with too. He runs and your feet dance. He hoots and you hoot. He roars and you ROAR too (roar was your first word, after all). You adore him and buddy, he might not readily admit it, but he adores you too.

During your afternoon nap, I whipped up just the cake for you – a rainbow cake. This cake, made mostly of bananas, had a dollop of soft, whipped coconut cream on top and a fruit-inspired rainbow to dress it up. Dessert won the vote and dinner was served last. We lit your candle and Arco led us in singing you the sweetest ‘happy birthday’ tune. We set that patty-like round in front of you and what did you do? You smiled and softly giggled. Then, ever so gently, you patted your cake like one might pat the top of a furry friend’s head, and then, you looked up at us all staring back at you, and you giggled. This is you: a bowl full of giggles.

We certainly adore those giggles and your quirky personality, your mellow demeanor, your curiosity, YOU. We are so grateful for you – we thank our lucky stars everyday to call you ours! Happy birthday, darling Rame!
Happy Birthday to your little man! Thanks for sharing the joy of your family. Sending my love.
Happy Birthday, little dudez! Miss you guys!
Sweetest pics evah! Love that he loves music too! Can’t wait to meet Ramey and see big bro Arco again!🥰🥰
Thanks for sharing your sunshine!!! Ohhh such lucky kids to have such great parents!! The love is oozing all the way to Gresham! Happy Birthday to your little man!!! And hugs to you all!!! Love from all the Klee Family.