I absolutely love winter. I love wool socks and foot booties. I love coffee beverages and teas. I adore colorful layers and Pendleton blankets. I love snow surfing, cross country skiing, and snowman b...
I haven’t been diligent enough about taking photos and logging recipes. I truly hope to get better at it. I have, however, managed to snap just a few photos of our meals as of late. The followin...
I used to cry when the Blazers lost a close game. Okay maybe I still do… After Thanksgiving we checked into a 14th floor hotel room overlooking the Rose Garden Arena and sipped Terminal Gravity ...
There are hardly enough words to express how awesome Thanksgiving was. Perry, Carole and Micah hosted us at their recently remodeled place just north of Portland. The atmosphere was cozy, there were t...
Over the river and through the woods to auntie’s house we went this year, a beautiful Thanksgiving in a million different ways. Good food, great people, and so much love. It was awesome. Unfortu...
It always feels good to achieve a goal, especially one that you know will be a great challenge. After popping a tendon in my left ring finger while climbing at Wild Iris in Wyoming I needed a little m...
As most of you know, I’m not a big meat eater, and up until last night, I had very little experience preparing and cooking meat. Even though I’ve heard awesome things about meatloaf (inclu...
Before you all get excited and twitchy about my misadventures in this new land of ‘catching’, weaponry, and blood –oh, and mouth-watering wild game recipes, keep in mind that my leap...
Will is one of our favorite people. He spent the summer fighting fires out of rural Montucky and has recently embarked on a 6 month off-season of travel and climbing. Our schedules couldn’t have...