Garden Fever!

It is late August and our garden is in full swing. We are enjoying ample amounts of leafy greens, our tomatoes are making a delicious appearance and our golden beets are exploding from the ground. Thi...

2nd Trimester Recap!

Look at us! Here we are at 28 weeks. We are saying goodbye to the second trimester and embracing the final home stretch. Yahoo! Overall, I feel really, really good. I am still maintaining an active li...

20 Week Bumpdate!

Can you believe we are already more than half way through? Me neither! The last few weeks have been fast and slow, but mostly fast. I feel very fortunate, too. Through this entire process, I’ve ...

Budgeting Thoughts for 2017.

Goodbye, 2016! Hello, fresh start! A new year is upon us, grand adventures are planned and a tiny human on the way means reevaluating our budget and finances once more. Yay! From our previous budget p...

TSC Spring Cleaning

It’s hard to believe it’s been two months since our last post. Twosmallcones goes through droughts like this though and we always come back. It’s simply been around to long to stop, and contains...


Tonight, I am headed to play “open adult basketball” at the gym. This will be the first time in ten years that I have actually played the game of basketball instead of just shooting around (for wh...

Falling for Autumn

Every autumn, the leaves begin to change, the sky gets darker, the mornings more brisk and the clouds more dramatic. Nature begins to shift in preparation for winter and we begin to nest a bit more: h...

A Weekend with MK!

There was a chill in the air this weekend; the mountains even saw a fresh dusting of snow. The days are definitely getting shorter; mornings are crisp and bright. It’s perfect for burrowing into ove...

Settling In. New Jobs.

Better late than never! These photos seem almost outdated at this point but then I remembered most of them were taken only a few short months ago. So much has happened since we moved in to our first h...

Sample Budgeting Spreadsheet

As promised from my previous post, I’ve crafted a Sample Budgeting Spreadsheet; one that we strictly adhere to each month (I’ve deleted our own numbers and notes, and have added in some ra...